In the beginning God created (Genesis 1:1). Each day he created. He "made". Genesis 1:31 - Then God looked over all he had made, and it was very good. And evening passed and morning came, marking the
Genesis 1:28-30 (paraphrased) - Then God said (to human beings, vs.27) , Look I have given you ......everything that has life. And that is what happened.
Just as each day God "made" and saw that it was good - we have been given the same gift - Genesis 1:26 - "Let us make human beings, in our image, to be like us.
We have the gift each day to "make" a good day. No matter what comes your way - you can MAKE a good day. It is your perspective, mindset and heart posture. Bad/hard things can refine and strengthen your faith and reliance on Jesus. Good things can give you cause to sing His praises.
It's in you - make a good day!
It's a good day to be a good day!
Cowboy Church
Pastor T. M.