Colossians 3:1-3 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things from above, where Christ is, setting at the right hand of God.
Set your mind on things above, not on things of the earth.
For you died , and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Spiritual laziness can creep into our lives simply in being too busy…think about it; we maybe working extra jobs to get ahead , and or too much time on our selves…then there are things of our own household that we deal with daily and don’t forget about our jobs…
man, we can be busier than a one armed paper hanger installing thirty rolls of wallpaper a day…we need to flex our Spiritual muscles daily in keeping oneself healthy…during our quiet time alone with God in prayer, in sharing our concerns, in our needs, in other peoples needs, and taking the time to listen to God through His word…
He will give us the strength we need to fight off Spiritual laziness and keep us excited about our worship time, our Bible studying, and we will be focussed on Godly things…
God will give us that peace and joy as we work, as we rest, and as we stay focused on His will for us…Stay Spiritually fit, and flex those Spiritual muscles …
O’ Lord God, allow the Holy Spirit to convict us of how important our relationship can be in keeping Spiritual healthy…thank you for loving us and never giving up on us…
In Jesus Name…Amen…
Enjoy the journey…
In Christ…